Transport, wind, social housing, RSA, institutional site of the Marseille metropolis … The law “3DS”, voted Wednesday includes measures to decentralize, decentralize, differentiate and simplify local action.
Le Monde with AFP
This is the last big text of five years, technical and remained in the shadows although it emerged the great debate after the crisis “yellow jackets”: Bill “3DS” on decentralization was finally adopted by Parliament on Wednesday 9 February.
“3DS” law includes measures to decentralize, decentralize, differentiate and simplify local action. Criticized by the opposition as a text “tote” or lacking in ambition, the text has yet been adopted by a large majority of senators by 301 votes in favor – 32 voted against and 10 abstained. The bill was approved Tuesday by the National Assembly by 154 votes to – against and 18
Transport, wind, social housing, RSA, institutional site of the Marseille metropolis … The majority sees a “toolbox” with a concrete and immediate impact on the ground, but not a “big bang” institutional. “We chose to put oil in the wheels, to improve the institutional landscape rather than the upset,” boasted the Minister of cohesion territories, Jacqueline Gourault.
Very technical, most provisions will not speak to the public. This is specifically to give new powers to communities, new seats and responsibilities to elected officials, to simplify some administrative procedures.
The main measures adopted text Wednesday:
The text allows the transfer of the management of roads, highways and routes of portions of public departments and cities, “intelligence with the regions.” Communities will also implement speed cameras.
The installation of new wind turbines will now be framed in the local development plans. The surrounding communities will be consulted before the project.
Social Housing
The text sustains the solidarity and urban renewal law (SRU), which fixed for certain common minimum number of social housing but the 2025 deadline to comply with jumps. The text also opens the possibility to share the objectives of the SRU intercommunal level.
In areas of rural revitalization (14,900 municipalities concerned) and priority areas of the policy of the city, the community will gain abandoned property ( “goods without masters”) after ten years (instead of thirty ).
The volunteers local authorities now have a power of sanction against landlords who violate the supervisory mechanism of rent.
Towns, intercommunal
Without challenging the current architecture, deputies and senators have injected greater flexibility in the allocation of powers between municipalities and intermunicipal, for example on roads and tourism.
- Marseille
The reform of the governance of Aix-Marseille wanted by Emmanuel Macron in the map “in Marseille great” was adopted. The reform eliminates the advice of territories (level intermediate) and clarify the transfer of powers from the metropolis to the municipalities, the representativeness of Marseille in the governance of the city or the community financed and municipalities.
In response to a request from Seine-Saint-Denis County Council is scheduled a trial for five years recentralisation the active solidarity income for applicants departments.
The government has decided to establish a “functional authority” of departments and regions of the managers of secondary schools through an amendment adopted by MEPs. They have insisted the missions under the “functional authority” restoration, general servicing and maintenance of infrastructure and equipment. This reform should help to clarify the institutional position of the staff of Education in charge of operating the half-board to look after the security or the financial management of schools of the second degree.