Jean-Michel Blanquer wants to add mathematics to a common core at high school

Since high school reform, in 2019, mathematics are no longer mandatory from the first.

Le Monde with AFP

Mathematicians and teachers alert since the development of high school reform. Arrested on CNEWS on the decline in the number of young people who take mathematics courses, especially among girls, the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, said, Sunday, February 6, that it would take ” Probably “add mathematics in the common core of the first and final classes.

Since the high school reform, which ended in 2019 with traditional series (L, ES and s), mathematics are taught in specialty, apart from the common core. They are no longer mandatory from the first, and can be followed as a specialty (which are three in first, two in terminal) or with the “complementary mathematics” option in terminal.

“Evolve” the common core

“I’m not saying it’s a false problem. It’s a serious subject, and I am very open to the proposals to improve,” said the Minister of National Education. “We have put in the common core of first and end a scientific teaching of two hours” weekly. “It must probably be evolved so that there is more mathematics within it, for the mathematical culture of all students,” he added.

He also invited “to compare the Terminal Mathematics Program S and that of today [for a student who took specialty]. It is much more demanding, some complain it elsewhere” , according to him.

/Media reports.