Hervé Lalin, said Rysssen, has already been convicted nearly about fifteen times for defamation, insults or provocation to hatred because of race or religion.
Le Monde with AFP
The two men were judged for a video published on YouTube on August 21, 2019, in which they exchanged on the Jewish people, the qualifying “unbearable”, “abominable” or comparing the Jews to “snakes” ” The Multi-Ciddivist Militant Hervé Lalin, says Ryssen, and a priest, Olivier Rioult, were sentenced, Tuesday, to fines for insults and incentive to the violence against the Jews, for remarks in a video broadcast on YouTube in the summer of 2019.
Hervé Lalin – former member of the National Front, who presents himself as a writer and director – was sentenced to 2,000 euros amended (a fine who, if not paid, turn into days of jail). Father Rioult, including author of a book entitled “of the Jewish question, synthesis”, has, for his part, been sentenced to a fine of 1,000 euros suspended.
“Exhortation to the Violence “
“The facts of public insults to a group of people at the rate of their religion are thus characterized in all their elements,” said the court in his decision, emphasizing that Heré Lalin himself recognized, during of the hearing, which these words could “create a controversial and to be prosecuted”.
In addition, in this same video, the two men present the Jews “as a problem whose solution goes through the continual fight and the extermination”, which constitutes an “exhortation to violence”, according to the judgment.
Hervé Lalin was sentenced nearly about fifteen times for similar offenses; Defamation, insult or provocation to hatred, because of race or religion. It was sentenced in May on appeal to one year of imprisonment, of whom six months closes, to serve at home with an electronic bracelet, for the challenge of crime against humanity and anti-Semitic insults in particular.
Incarcerated in September 2020 in execution of three sentences made between 2017 and 2020, the man aged about fifty years came out of prison in mid-April.