Electricity: EDF announces new nuclear power plant stops

These stops follows corrosion problems on security systems identified on other reactors.

Le Monde with AFP

Towards a further decline in the supply of electricity in France. Tuesday, February 8, EDF announced the next stop of three additional nuclear reactors for “controls” as a result of corrosion problems on security systems encountered on other units.

Chinon 3, Cattenom 3 and Bugey 4 reactors will be arrested in the coming months, according to data published on the EDF site. These controls follow a literature review on the entire French nuclear park in search of corrosion problems already confirmed on at least four reactors, currently at the stop.

Three other reactors will also be subject to controls but during stops that were already scheduled. The Flamanville 2 stop will however be extended to five weeks.

Finally, EDF extended by five months to stop two reactors where corrosion problems had already been detected (Penly 1) or suspected (Chooz 1). The first will not work until October 31, 2022 and the second until 31 December.

Tensions on electric supply

EDF had lowered its nuclear production forecast in France, this year, “as part of its nuclear park controls program, as a result of corrosion issues on the identified security system for Some reactors.

The forecast was reduced to 295-315 terawatt hours (TWh), against 300-330 TWH previously. EDF, which initially targeted a production of 330 to 360 TWh, had already revised its forecast, on 13 January.

These problems may increase the voltage on the electrical supply of France this winter, already complicated by a maintenance schedule loaded and disrupted by the pandemic of Covid-19.

The RTE electricity grid manager announced on Friday maintain its “vigilance on the end of the winter” for supply, due to a high number of nuclear reactors at a stop, while noting that “Weather forecast for the period are favorable”.

“There is no risk of blackout in France because we have put in place a number of mechanisms to avoid this,” said the Minister for the ecological transition, ” a href=”https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/energie/electricity-on–remonte-un-petit-peu-le-quota-de-charbon-first-qu-on–bein-de-margins-de-maneuver-explain-barbara-pompili_4949484.html”target =” _ blank “rel =” Noopener “title =” new window “> Barbara Pompili, Tuesday morning on France Info

/Media reports.