First conditional crew completed workout in forest

Candidates for astronauts Arutyun Kiviryan, Alexander Kolyabin and Sergey Tetheratnikov successfully coped with the tasks during the training of the crew when landing in a forest-marsh terrain in winter. Recall that they started testing on January 31, 2022 and spent almost two days in the open air.

Summing up the preliminary results of the training, the head of the extreme types of training of cosmonauts CPC Anatoly Zabruskov stressed that the weather conditions complicated the situation. In particular, because of the abundance of snow and damp, participants of the training participants spent a lot of forces on the collection of firewood and burning a fire, but in the end all the tests were worthy.

In reality, it was necessary to wait for rescuers in the forest only the crew of the ship “Veshod-2”, on which the astronauts of Pavel Belyaev and Alexey Leonov arrived in Pavel Belyaev and Alexey Leon on March 19, 1965, when they returned to Earth, due to the failure of the automation and transition to the manual Mode (with forced loss of precious seconds) The landing of the descent apparatus occurred in an uncountable point – in the middle of the snow-covered forest 180 km from Perm. Only on the third day the rescuers were able to evacuate the crew. See you with them Pavel Belyaev and Alexey Leonov used all the remedies to survive in the winter forest.

Since then, astronauts have been trained in a similar situation. According to the conditions of training tests, they must break the camp in a safe place, to do everything possible to preserve strength and health, constantly maintain communication with rescuers.

According to the training cyclicogram, the conditional crew builds two types of shelters. The main material for the slag serves the branches of the needles, for more reliable shelter – “Wigwam” – a parachute fabric is used. It is necessary to strictly follow the rules of its structure: “Vigvam” must correspond to the number of people, be warm and at the same time have good ventilation.

No less important skills are associated with the ability to breed fires and keep the fire for a long time. One of the main tasks is not to freeze in the winter forest, protect yourself from injuries, avoid any possible dangers. Of course, if necessary, every cosmonaut will be able to provide the first medical assistance to his comrades. This time the situation was worked out when the crew member creates and get injured on the way from the camp to the place where rescuers are located.

on Thursday, February 3, to trainings on the action of a crew when landing in a forest-marsh terrain, Konstantin Borisov, and Oleg Platonov, the third in their conditional crew will be an instructor of the Cosmonauts Center named after Yu.A. Gagarin.

/Media reports.