The head of state must address this Wednesday to the EU’s interior ministers gathered at Tourcoing on the occasion of an informal council.
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He is still not officially applicant, but that does not prevent him from selling the right campaign theme, immigration, to exist in the face of his competitors. Wednesday 2 February, as part of a trip to the Pas-de-Calais and the North, Emmanuel Macron had to go at the end of the day at Tourcoing to address the European ministers of the interior, gathered at the opportunity of informal council (without decision) in the Fief of Gérald Darmanin.
At the Elysée, we insist on the “exceptional” character of this presence in prelude to a ministerial meeting. The Head of State wishes to “mark the importance of ongoing discussions to reform the Schengen area”. And, in doing so, do not leave the monopoly on this subject on the right. It is also on immigration issues that Mr. Macron opened his press conference on the Program of the French Presidency of the European Union (EU), December 9, 2021. “A sovereign Europe, C ‘ Is first – it’s for me the first aspect – a Europe capable of mastering its borders, “he declared.
As such, the Schengen reform, this free movement space in which 420 million people live throughout 26 countries, should be articulated around two legislative texts, proposed in December by the Commission and that France hopes to to adopt before the end of his presidency, on June 30th. The first is on “Schengen inspections” conducted in the Member States in the event of significant shortcomings and that Paris wants to strengthen. The second relates to the reform of the Schengen border code, in particular “so that the device authorizing the restoration of internal border controls is sustainable and reinforced” in the event of a crisis. The President of the Republic also maintains his wish for “political steering” (by the ministers of space without passport, with the creation of a council, a decision-making intergovernmental tool that would be mobilized “in case of serious failure at the external border of the EU “, according to the entourage of the head of state.
A governance” down “
These projects are accompanied by support for the rise of Frontex, the external border monitoring agency, and the strengthening of data collection files. They testify to the prevalence of a safe approach even as, according to Frontex, nearly 200,000 migrants arrived irregularly in the EU in 2021, compared with 1.8 million irregular border crossings in 2015 and more 510,000 in 2016.
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