After almost three years of development of Browser Release Falkon 3.2.0 who came to the change of QUPZILLA after the project is processed under the wing of the KDE community and transferring the development of the KDE infrastructure. Project code extends under the GPLv3 license.
Features Falkon:
- primary attention is paid to saving memory consumption, ensuring high speed and maintain interface responsiveness;
- When building an interface, a set of pictograms, widgets and styles is used for each desktop environment, which makes it possible to ensure the design, indistinguishable from staff programs for GNOME, KDE and Windows. The interface actively uses tabs;
- Integrated Advertising Block Subsystem (Adblock). You can use both external black lists (EasyList from Adblock Plus) and add your own advertising blocking rules. Support for quick blocking of Flash rollers and the presence of flash-content activation mode only after clicking;
- speed launch panel (Speed-Dial), displayed instead of empty pages and allows you to organize quick access to the most frequently used sites;
- Quick search panel that allows you to instantly send a request to certain search engines and sites;
- Unified interface for working with bookmarks, visits history and RSS ribbons, decorated inside one window;
- supports the possibility of changing the design through the connection of external visual topics. Flexible interface setup capabilities;
- support for expansion of functionality through plugins;
- Safe Connection Manager (SSL Manager), allowing you to manage local CA certificates;
- Private navigation mode in which data on open pages does not settle in cache and visits history;
- Manage bookmarks in the Chrome style (through the stars in the address bar). Settings is also reminiscent of the approach adopted in Chrome;
- Support import bookmarks from Firefox and Chrome browsers;
- Cookie management interface;
- Support for writing add-ons for processing the contents of Web pages using GreaseEmonKey scripts;
- Pimonal Information Manager plug-in with the implementation of the personal information management system used to automate the filling of personal data in Web-forms (for example, filling name, email, etc.);
- Using the Qt library and the Qtwebengine module, without binding to the KDE libraries and without adding KDE components to mandatory dependencies (integration with KDE is implemented via plugin).

Main innovations:
- Added support for API screen capture To capture the contents of the screen from Web applications (Before the operation, the user is displayed confirmation of the authority).
/Media reports.