The ballot, rejected by the main candidates on the left, gave the investiture to the former Minister of Justice, without having to gather his camp as he had the ambition to do it.
The popular primary, this citizen initiative that wanted to unite the left and ecology, therefore resulted in an application for more, that of Christiane Taubira. A failure for all sincere activists from one unit on the left. A victory for the former minister, who found a launch mode for an in extremis application. In this primary, which was no longer one – she did not engage her candidates – this Sunday, January 30, who had to be her apex, had an air of missed appointments.
It’s in a Parisian concert hall on Sunday night, that the results were announced. A silent room, hanging on the verdict. The volunteers of the popular primary, perhaps tired by months of work, have barely climbed when the name of the former minister has been pronounced. His name has been applauded politely, no more, like the others. It must be said that the result of this investiture in the majority judgment had the look of a severe copies rendering for a bad pupil left.

Christiane Taubira, mention more, Yannick Jadot, quite much more, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, quite much less, Pierre Larrouturou, Passable Plus, Anne Hidalgo Passable Plus, Charlotte merchandise, passable less, Anna agueb-carrying, insufficient. Some feared that the majority judgment does not give a frank result, it is not the case, the voters made the choice of the only great candidate to have accepted the rules. Even if the ecologist is not so far behind.
In the first place before the scene, the emissaries of the ecologist pole said their disappointment. “If he had campaigned, Yannick Jadot, who is very well placed, would have been appointed,” said Alain Coulombel (Europe Ecology-Les Verts). Marie Luchi, of Generation.s, noted that in the calendar of the campaign, this primary had missed the checkout: “We ended up surfing on candidatures already announced.” “We were waiting for anything, that all candidates come … “Regretted the sociologist Dominique Meda, one of the first gods of the process.
” Continue to gather “
Boundé, then recovered by Anne Hidalgo and Christiane Taubira, then released by Anne Hidalgo, this investiture failed in any case to rally the parties: first curious, they have mostly angry finished. His image came out tarnished, including videos showing that, as the professionals of the policy they castigate, the organizers gave in the small strategy.
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