Can France totally happen to chemical fertilizers?

Video revolution of the post-war period, synthesis fertilizers today pose many problems with the environment and our health. But can we really do to nourish France? Europe? The whole world?

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How to feed all the French? From the 1950s, the food needs of the planet were largely covered thanks to a revolutionary discovery: the synthesizing of the air nitrogen. A chemical principle that allows to explode agricultural yields.

Except that today, excess nitrogen in soils, in the air and in the water poses many problems. It threatens biodiversity, pollutes soils and even participates in the formation of fine particles, harmful for human health.

Is there an alternative to these chemical fertilizers, really tenable at the scale of a country like France, from Europe, or even, the world? Explanation.


Evolution of the population and agricultural areas in the world, OECD

Use of synthesis fertilizers in France, UNIFA

Yield of tender wheat in France

Cultivate legumes to reduce the use of synthetic inputs, agriculture and environment, ADEME

“Diversification Practices Reduce Organic to conventional Yield Gap “, Ponisio et al., The Royal Society Publishing

Reshaping The European Agro- Food System and Closing Its Nitrogen Cycle, Billen et al., One Earth

“Global option space for Organic Agriculture is Delimited by Nitrogen Availability “, Barbieri et al., Nature

Read also:

Exit chemical fertilizers in five years? Sylvestre Huet

Nitrogen wizard apprentices, Claude Aubert, living earth

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/Media reports.