Failure in fight against price increases declared among main risks for Russia

The failure in the fight against price increases is one of the main risks for Russia, follows from the annual survey of the views of managers (EOS, Executive Opinion Survey), conducted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). VEF research data leads to a global risk report for 2022, published on January 11.

In the survey held from May to September 2021, representatives of 124 states took part, more than 12 thousand respondents answered the question of what five risks they can call critical for their country over the next two years. The risks that needed to choose from the proposed list were ranked in the response frequency.

Problems with price stabilization in Russia were in second place. In the first place appeared the answer “Interstate Conflict”, and among other risks further followed infectious diseases, the crisis of employment and income, as well as problems associated with the supply of raw materials.

Following the results of 2021, as evaluated in the Central Bank of Russia, inflation was due to exceed 8 percent. Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the rise in prices is of world nature, and the main causes of inflation are a soft budget policy of a number of countries. He also indicated that in 2022 it is necessary to return inflation to the target level of 4 percent. An analysts surveyed by “” predict that the rise in prices will slow down this year. The average value of the estimates of specialists is five percent.

/Media reports.