Release Firefox 96

Release Web browser FireFox 96 . In addition, the update is formed branches with a long support period – 91.5.0 . On the stage beta testing translated Firefox 97 branch, the release of which is scheduled for February 8.

Basic innovations :

  • Added the possibility of forced inclusion for the sites of a dark or light decoration theme. Color design changes browser forces and does not require support from the site, which allows on sites available only in light colors, apply a dark theme, and in dark sites – light.

    To change the color view in the settings: Preferences in the “General / Language and Appearance” section, a new “Colors” section is offered, in which you can enable colors override in binding to the color scheme of the operating system or assign colors manually.

  • significantly improved noise suppression and automatic adjustment of the amplification of sound, as well as slightly improved echo.
  • significantly reduced the load on the main stream of execution.
  • A more rigid reconnaissance of the cookie between sites prohibiting third-party cookies is displayed when accessing sites other than the domain of the current page is applied. Such cookies are used to track user movements between sites in the code of advertising networks, social networking widgets and Web analytics systems. To control the Cookie transfer, the SAME-SITE attribute is applied to the “SAME-SITE = LAX”, which is now set to “SAME-SITE = LAX” by default, restricting cookies for cross-site subquers, such as image request or content loading through IFRAME from another Site, which also provides protection from CSRF attacks (Cross-Site Request Forgery).
  • solved problems with a decrease in video quality on some sites and the SSRC header reset when watching video. Also eliminated a problem with a decrease in resolution when providing joint access to the screen through WebrTC.
  • On the MacOS platform, the logging in Gmail now leads to their opening in a new tab, as on other platforms. Due to the presence of unresolved breakdown in MacOS, it is forbidden to disconnect the video in full screen mode.
  • to simplify the setting of the style of the dark theme
    Added new CSS property Color-Scheme , allowing you to determine in which color schemes can Element is correctly shown. Among the supported schemes “Light”, “Dark”, “Day mode” and “Night Mode”.
  • Added CSS function hwb ()
/Media reports.