Franco-Israeli Hacker Ulcan sentenced to two and a half years in prison

An arrest warrant was also issued against this 39-year-old man exiled in Israel.

Le Monde with AFP

The Franco-Israeli Hacker Ulcan was sentenced Tuesday, January 11 to two and a half years of imprisonment, for a series of “hoaxes” extreme telephone, by the Criminal Court of Paris, which, in addition, delivered a warrant stop against him. It was found guilty of fourteen offenses and was sentenced to the victims a total of 18,000 euros of damages and 9,250 euros of court costs.

The court went beyond the parquet floor, which had requested two years in prison for “behaviors of extreme violence”. The one who presented himself as a “Zionist activist” and a “justiciary” is “the incarnation of the coward”, had supported the prosecutor.

Gregory Chelli, its real name, 39, has been sentenced in four cases for malicious calls, death threats, and slanderous denunciations, between 2014 and 2016. “Serious” committed “in order to harm the victims and to give an advertisement to their suffering “, which, for a party, have led to unnecessary research on the part of the police, sometimes implementing” very important means “, said the President of the Tribunal .

Calls for the font

These files included the malicious call to the Lille Police in 2014, the hacker pretending to the husband of the Edile Martine Aubry. He claimed to kill his wife and be cut off and armed. A measure of retaliation, according to him, after a “standby” of a twinning between the municipality of Lille and an Israeli city.

That same year, Alsatian Marc Z. had to undress, weapons on him, on the perron of his house, at the request of the police: the hacker had contacted the police, saying that His cousin, “a tattooed skinhead”, had just murdered his wife after the latter had killed his baby with knife.

President of the Europalestine Association, the Olivia Zemor activist is also among the victims of the hacker: he called the police to accuse his husband to kill him. Former member of the Jewish Defense League, a group of young radicals, Ulcan, also bought the propaletinian bookstore of M me Zemor, before being sentenced, in 2009, to four month with reprieve for this act.

m. However, Chelli had been relaxed in the folder regarding Journalist Pierre Haski, lack of elements incriminating it “certainly”.

absent at his trial

39 years old, exiled in Ashdod, near Tel Aviv, since 2013, and targeted by another judicial inquiry for hacked several French information sites, including those of Libération and Radio France, Mr. Chelli did not go to his trial in December. His defense, believing that he had not been convened properly, had left the room at the beginning of the trial and had not returned to plead. Tuesday, she was also absent. His lawyer Gilles-William Goldnadel said his intention to appeal “on the means of law” concerning this quote.

Already sentenced five times, Grégory Chelli is the subject of several procedures in France. It may include the foundation for a “hoax” aimed at a street reporter 89 who had devoted him a portrait. Ulcan had contacted the parents of the author of the article by believing them that their son was dead. He then gave the parents’ address to the police, pretending to a madman having murdered his wife and his child. A few days after these calls, the father of the street journalist89 died of an infarction. In this case, the Hacker was referred, in 2019, before the Assize Court for “Voluntary Violence with Premeditation, who resulted in death without intent to give it”. The decision was canceled at the end of 2020 by the Court of Cassation and the case was referred to an investigating judge.

/Media reports.