Germany to solve global problem by visiting

Germany decided to attract migrants to prevent acute labor shortages, which undermines labor productivity and threatens a successful energy transition, reports Reuters.

Europe’s largest economy collided with the demographic crisis, and decided to solve the global problem of the energy transition by visiting. “Today we have 300 thousand vacancies, and we expect their number to increase to a million or more. If we do not liquid this gap, we will have real problems with productivity,” said Minister of Economy Robert Habek. The country will need more engineers, workers, nurses, he explained.

According to the German Economic Institute estimates, this year the number of labor will decrease by more than 300 thousand people, as the elderly workers who retire are more than young people who start working. It is expected that in the 2030th lack of people of working age will be about five million people.

German authorities agreed to reduce barriers to qualified workers from other countries and re-make work more attractive, for example, to increase the minimum wage in the country to 12 euros (13.60 dollars) per hour.

In August, the chairman of the Federal Labor Agency of Germany, Detlef Shelele already talked about the problem of lack of labor and stated that there are thousands of migrants to restore labor productivity as the population agrees. What the right party “alternative for Germany” spoke against the “incomprehensible demand” of Shelele. The deputy René Springer accused him of “he became a mouthpiece of companies that they want to reduce wages with immigration.”

/Media reports.