COVID-19: Aid for sports sector, penalized by gauges in sports enclosures

The partial activity without departure is reactivated, as well as the aid “fixed costs” for December and January. At the end of December, gauges – 5,000 outdoor spectators and 2,000 indoor – were reinstated in sports speakers.

Le Monde with AFP

At the end of a meeting in Bercy, the ministries of sports and the economy confirmed, Tuesday, January 11, that companies in the limited sports sector by the gauges introduced to counter a new wave of Vis- 19, could resort to partial activity.

On the announcement, at the end of December 2021, of the reintegration of gauges in sports enclosures (5,000 outdoors and 2,000 indoor), for a period of three weeks, the Ministry of Sports had indicated that the sector would be helped without getting into detail.

“Partial activity without departure is reactivated for structures facing gauge limitations and the prohibition of drinks and food sales in public institutions, and those losing more than 65% of Turnover “, therefore specified the Ministry of Economy, SMEs and Sports.

They will also benefit from the aid “fixed costs” for December 2021 and January 2022 in case of loss of “more than 50%” of the turnover. “This device allows companies to benefit from a 90% assistance of operating loss (70% for businesses over fifty employees)”, ensures the executive. Work is “in progress” with respect to exemptions of social contributions.

to proportional gauges

The ticketing loss compensation, which has been set up twice since the beginning of the health crisis, and which had been mentioned in early January, is “under study”, has been also specified At the Ministry of Sports. The sports sector companies also benefit from the general measure of possibility of an elongation of reimbursement times up to ten years (instead of six years today) for the loans guaranteed by the State.

In the case of the gauges, currently fixed, an amendment voted in the proposed passing bill – still being examined – could pave the way for proportional gauges if the health situation evolves, and according to the “Characteristics” establishments.

“There will be a floor beyond which there will be proportional gauges,” said the Minister of Sports, Roxanna Maracineanu last week, with definition of a “percentage”, in the hypothesis where The health situation evolves and all that once the bill is adopted. The prefects will have a room for maneuver in this device, had been learned from the same source, device that must be specified by decree.

/Media reports.