Biden supports a change in Senate rules to adopt laws on right to vote of minorities

The US President explains wanting to “prevent a minority of senators from blocking” a vast reform on the right to vote of minorities.

Le Monde with AFP

Joe Biden said, Tuesday, January 11, that he would support if there is a need for high risk of the Senate rules “to prevent a minority of senators from blocking” a vast reform on the right to vote of minorities .

“It has been two months since I have discrete conversations with the members of the Congress. I have enough to be silent” Faced with the republican opposition blockage of two crucial bills, has taken away The US President since Georgia, a state he has described as “cradle” of the struggle for civil rights.

In a virulent speech and truffled reference to this fight carried out by Martin Luther King in the 1960s, Joe Biden said, “Today, I say clearly that to protect democracy, I support a change in the rules. of the Senate, whatever it is, to prevent a minority of senators from blocking the advance on access to the right to vote. “

Speaking of a “turn” for the United States, he assured that “every member of the Senate would be judged by history”, whatever the party to which it belongs. “History has never been indulgent for those who put themselves from the restriction of access to the vote. Neither for those who put themselves on the side of the election subversion”, warned Joe Biden, who spoke in Atlanta in front of the students of universities historically related to the African-American community.

Democrats want to adopt two texts of law

Vice President Kamala Harris had warned against any “complacency” or “complicity” against the electoral reforms decided or planned in several Conservative States of the South of the United States.

These reforms are accused by civil rights associations to complicate access to the urns of minorities, considered more favorable to the Democrats, while strengthening the right-of-way of the local authorities on voting operations.

To counter them, the Democrats want to adopt two legislation harmonizing the conditions for the exercise of the voting rights in the United States. But they go on a rule of the Senate which requires 60 votes in 100, where the presidential majority has only 50 and can tip the balance in its favor thanks to the decisive vote of the vice president Kamala Harris.

As it seems impossible to recruit a single Republican – the Conservative Party, widely acquired at Donald Trump and its unfounded arguments on massive fraud during the last presidential, rejects the reform – the democrats must circumvent this rule Say “Filibuster”.

/Media reports.