COVID-19: Quebec wants to tax unvaccinated persons

According to the Prime Minister, adults refusing to be vaccinated represent “a financial burden for all Quebeckers”. In the Canadian province, half of the hospitalized in intensive care for CIVID-19 are not vaccinated.

Le Monde with AFP

Faced with the strong Wave of Covid-19 by the Omicron Variant, the Canadian Province of Quebec will put in place in the coming weeks a new tax – called “health contribution” – of which only non-vaccinated persons against COVID -19 will have to pay, announced the authorities, Tuesday, January 11th.

“We work on a health contribution [for] all adults who refuse to be vaccinated”, as they represent “a financial burden for all Quebeckers”, said Quebec Prime Minister François Legault. According to him, the 10% of Quebeckers who have not yet received no vaccine dose should not “harm” 90% who have been vaccinated.

50% of intensive care people. are not vaccinated

“It’s not to all Quebec people to pay for that,” he hammered at a press conference, stating that the Government of the Francophone province wanted that this represents an “amount” significant “. “I understand and feel this grogne with respect to the non-vaccinated minority that comes, all proportions, engorging our hospitals,” he added. The Prime Minister explained that these 10% unvaccinated adults accounted for 50% of intensive care, evoking a “shocking” situation.

To attempt to stem the new wave, Quebec announced on 30 December the return of certain restrictions, including a curfew in 22 hours and the prohibition of private gatherings. A total of 2,742 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in Quebec, which has about 8 million inhabitants and some 255 patients are in intensive care.

Elsewhere in Canada, hospitalizations also increase, particularly in the neighboring province of Ontario, the most populous in Canada, with 3,220 hospitalized people (753 more and twenty-four hours), just like the Number of intensive care (477, including 39 admitted in twenty-four hours).

/Media reports.