Faced with “comploise” and “false information”, Emmanuel Macron pays tribute to role of press

The head of state presented his wishes to the press, Tuesday, January 11, in the aftermath of those of the candidate of the extreme right to the presidential election, Eric Zemmour, who described the journalists of men and women “the most hated from France “.


Some words are ritual, but they find a different scope depending on the context in which they are pronounced. Emmanuel Macron presented his wishes to the press on Tuesday, January 11, at the Elysée. The last of his five-year, three months of the presidential election of April 10 and 24.

Once again, the head of state recalled “the need for a strong, free and independent press”. According to him, this need would be even redoubled at a time when the CVIV-19 crisis has been, a true catalyst for two years of “compotive phenomena”. “Rarely we needed as many journalists”, whose “ethics” is “to build the truth,” said Macron, when “everyone can become a journalist” using a Smartphone. Without the press, “the waves of false information would have been more powerful and more dangerous,” he said.

The very morning, the President of the Republic received a report on the misinformation and the comploise he had commissioned in September 2021 to a commission on “the lights in the digital era”, presided over by the sociologist Gérald Bronner. Of this work, it withdraws the need to “more form children in the spirit of method” in the face of the “collapse of all relation to the truth”, but also to fight against “algorithmic confinement” built by the giants Web, which leads everyone to stay confined to a bubble on social networks.

The tenant of the Elysée also called for a work of “peer recognition” on the part of the editorials, which would aim to “identify the reliable media”. An antiphon on the part of the executive, several times criticized since the beginning of the five-year old for threatening to create a “Council of the Order of the Journalists”, or have listed, on the government website, sources information he considered trustworthy, as part of the sanitary crisis. A return to the “Ministry of Information”, was then reproached.

“Cultural Combat”

More generally, Emmanuel Macron wanted to land herself with a “cultural fight”: that of “long time” and “critical spirit” against the “diktat of emotion”. Or, to resume the words used in an interview in the world by its Secretary of State for European Affairs, Clément Beaune, by representative of the “Camp de la République, Reason and Balance”. “We have to reset us,” Macron warned, facing “the precariousness of democracy and values ​​that are ours”.

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/Media reports.