In United States declared their readiness to discuss entry into NATO of two states

US is ready to discuss with Finland and Sweden joining NATO, if states will express such a desire, US Department of State Victoria Nuland, writes RIA Novosti.

According to her, for the “five administrations, the member of which she was” in the United States, they talked about the possible entry of these two states to the North Atlantic Alliance. “At any time, when you are ready to discuss the question of your membership, we will do it,” she called it.

Earlier, the Prime Minister of Sweden Magdalena Andersson stated that the country did not intend to join NATO. According to her, Sweden for a long time defended its security line and is a partner of the North Atlantic Alliance. She added that Stockholm never talked about the intention to join the alliance.

Political analyst Nikolai Mezevich believes that in the event of Finland’s entry into NATO, Russia should answer the Baltic Fleet strengthening. Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin said that the country has the opportunity to submit an application for accession to NATO. During the New Year’s appeal, President Sauli niist recalled that Finland had the right to apply for joining the North Atlantic Alliance.

/Media reports.