Richard Ferrand: “Every fact of violence against a member, National Assembly will be civilian party”

The radicalization of positions around the measures taken to combat the epidemic of COVID-19 has been accompanied by a multiplication of acts of violence against the elected representatives of all stripes. Interview with the President (LRM) of the Assembly.

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The President (the Republic in March) of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, who received, Tuesday, January 11 in the evening, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, and that of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti calls for “collective mobilization” against the resurgence of the threats against members.

Do you see an increase in threats and violence against members?

If the vehement expression, or violence, with parliamentarians is a pretty old phenomenon, there has been a growth in threats and violent acts for almost three years. With a strengthening of the phenomenon since the beginning of the sanitary crisis. It’s indisputable. In 2020, 60 parliamentarians and 505 mayors or deputies were victims of physical violence. The first eleven months of 2021, this concerned 162 parliamentarians and 605 mayors or deputies. During this period, violence against elected officials increased by 47% and outrages of 30%.

Has the implementation of the health pass increased these actions?

It’s undeniable. Since its introduction, in July 2021, 214 infringements of deputies have been identified, of which 148 for the deputies of the Republic (LRM). And, in the last three months, the National Assembly reports more than 800 reports for threats. They concern 430 deputies. If those of the majority are mainly targeted, elected officials of all benches are victims, including opposition. At this rate, at the end of the mandate, there will not be a member of the 577, who will not have received threats.

Have these actions become more radical?

There is a progression in the gradation, with explicit references to firearms or white weapons, with technical terms, almost terrorists. MPs receive messages, where it is written: “I’ll be decapitated,” I’m going to book you “… Words who want to inspire crime. There is a mix of intimidation, pressures and revenge phrases. Two types of threats can be distinguished: either bilateral expressions, with someone who will write directly to his deputy; Either collective harassment operations on a specific subject, with massive mail or letters, in a tone each time more threatening, which can go to death threats.

What are the Proposals that you have formulated on the violence against members of Parliament, which you held on Tuesday night with the ministers of the interior, Gérald Darmanin, and justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti?

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