Tokayev explained desertion in ranks of Kazakh special services

Part of the national security committee (CNB) of Kazakhstan during the mass riots left their service buildings without a fight, leaving secret documents and weapons there. The President of the Republic of Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, President of the Republic of Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev, was told about desertion in the ranks of the special services, “Sputnik Kazakhstan” writes.

According to politics, such incidents were recorded immediately in several cities. In all these cases, the KNB staff had the opportunity to protect against radicals, had a sufficient arsenal for state-defense defense. At the same time, other power structures, as the head of state noted, the courage was shown and fought with marauders, despite the numerical minority.

“for example, in Almaty, a small group of police officers two nights in a row beat off the attacks of bandits, trying to capture the buildings of the Police Department. In the critical situation, the servicemen of the Ministry of Defense and the State Protection Service” said, “Tokaev said.

Protests in Kazakhstan began on Sunday, January 2, due to the rapid increase in gas engine fuel prices. Soon, economic requirements were replaced by political: government resignation, holding new elections, consideration of the issue of lustration of people from the “clan” of the former President of Nursultan Nazarbayev.

/Media reports.