In 2021, employees of the Energomash Scientific and Production Association named after Academician V.P. Glushko (part of the state corporation “Roscosmos”) put forward 100 workers initiatives to improve production. It is almost twice as a year earlier.
Proposals filed workers, masters, technologists and specialists of the main and auxiliary workshops, engineers of the management of the main technologist, testes of the scientific and test complex of NGO Energomash. Initiatives to improve technological processes, manufacturing new equipment, modernization of jobs, equipment and tools.
The greatest number of proposals were employees of assembly and welding, mechanical assembly, assembly shops and production preparation workshops. The technical councils of the company reviewed 70 initiatives, of which 59 were taken to implementation. There are also 30 working proposals for consideration of tech councils. In the coming 2022, the techsoves will have to consider them, and the workshops – to implement approved initiatives.
He added that all initiators of realized proposals of NGO Energomash pays premiums.