The deadlines for new negotiations of the United States and Russia for safety warranties are not yet defined. This was announced by the US President’s Assistant on National Security Jake Sullivan during a briefing in the White House. His words leads TASS.
“There is no duty set for any further negotiations,” he said.
he explained that to determine further actions after the talks at this week, Washington is uncomfortable at first consult with the allies. According to Sullivan, the United States supports contacts both with their partners and with Russia.
“As for the following steps in diplomatic terms, we stay in contact with our allies, partners, as well as Russians to determine in the coming days, what will happen next,” he said.
Sullivan noted that the United States considers Illomatia the most reasonable approach to solving disagreements with Russia. He also added that it was Russia now “to determine whether it agrees to further diplomatic contacts.”
Previously, the Deputy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov said that Russia has lacks grounds for new meetings with representatives of the United States for Security Guarantees in Europe.
For the last week, Russia held three rounds of negotiations around their proposals for security guarantees in Europe. The first (with a delegation from the USA) was held on January 10 in Geneva, the second (as part of a meeting of the Russia-NATO Council) – January 12 in Brussels, the third (at the OSCE site) – January 13 in Vienna.