LLVM project goes from mailing lists to DisCourse platform

LLVM reported About switching from the postal service system to the site llvm.discourse.group based on the DisCourse platform to communicate developers and publish announcements. Until January 20, all archives of past discussions will be transferred to a new platform. The mailing lists work will be translated into read-only mode on February 1. The transition will make communication easier and familiar to beginners, structure discussions in LLVM-DEV, organize full-fledged moderation and spam filtering. Participants who do not want to use the Web interface and mobile application will be able to use the gateway provided in the DisCourse to interact by email.

Discourse platform provides a system of linear discussions offered to replace mailing lists, Web forums and chats. The separation of topics based on tags, sending notifications about the appearance of responses to messages, update the list of messages in real-time topics, dynamic content loading as read, the ability to subscribe to the partitions and sending answers to Email. The system is written in Ruby using the Ruby On Rails framework and the Ember.js library (data is stored in PostgreSQL DBMS, fast cache is stored in Redis). The code spreads under the GPLV2 license.

/Media reports.