Indonesia postpones capital by 2024

Indonesia’s authorities announced that the capital of the state from the island of Java to the east of the island of Kalimantan. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

The process of transferring the capital from Jakarta to the island of Kalimantan will be completed by 2024. The new capital will be called Nusantar, from the budget for all necessary events will be spent 32.5 billion dollars.

For the first time, the government of the country declared the plans for the transfer of the capital in 2019. This was announced by the Minister of Planning National Development Bambang Broadjoneero.

the authorities decided to take such a step due to a whole complex of problems that are associated with the current capital of Jakarta and its 30 million people. In addition to huge traffic jams, the city gradually goes under water, about 15 centimeters per year. This is due to the swampy nature of the terrain and the abundance of rivers passing through Jakarta, which wash out the ground.

Since the independence of Indonesia in 1945, Jakarta is not a city, but the province with the status of the capital. The most early mention of the city refers to the period of the existence of the Indonesian kingdom of Taruma in the IV century of our era.

/Media reports.