Information Satellite Systems named after academician M.F. Reshetnyova “(ISS, is part of the state corporation” Roscosmos “) successfully defended in Roscosmos a sketchy project of antenna reflectors with flexible membrane reflector.
Work on the creation of a draft project was carried out under the contract with the state corporation signed in December 2020. At the following stages of its implementation, the company “ISS” will make and conduct ground-based experimental development of onboard transformed reflectors with a diameter to one and a half meters and a reflector segment with a diameter of up to 12 meters.
As noted by the director of the sectoral center of large-sized transformable mechanical systems – Deputy General Designer for Mechanical Systems Vladimir Khalimanovich, is published on a new stage in the development of technologies for creating transformable reflectors.
New generation reflectors retain the high surface accuracy after disclosure is better than mesh analogs. Due to the use of new materials, their mass is supposed to be reduced by 20%, and the minimum volume in the folded position will be less than 15% compared to conventional structures of folding reflectors.
Complete the creation of manufacturing technology and testing reflectors with improved characteristics, the company “ISS” plans in 2024.