Scientists of the Stockholm Center for Sustainable Development stated that anthropogenic pollution reached the levels dangerous for the stability of natural ecosystems. This is reported by Edition The Guardian.
According to experts, plastics and more than 3.5 thousand synthetic chemicals, including pesticides, industrial compounds and antibiotics, are particularly concerned. Chemical pollution crossed the “planetary border”, which indicates the limits of the stability of natural ecosystems, which remained in the last 10 thousand years. So, pesticides destroy insects, which are important for the survival of plants and feeding animals.
Since 1950, chemical production has increased 50 times, and, according to forecasts, by 2050 it will triple again. The rate of emissions of toxic compounds into the environment exceeds the values for safe deposit in natural ecosystems. Scientists note that, although data on many compounds are not enough, the proof indicates a violation of the “planetary border”.
The “planetary boundary” of chemical pollution is one of five borders, which, according to scientists, were crossed. The rest includes global warming, wilderness of wild habitat, loss of biodiversity and pollution with phosphorus and nitrogen.