The Prefect Didier Lallement did not agree to the planned day of action Thursday, explaining that the organizers had declared the demonstration with a day of delay.
The great event of teachers scheduled Thursday, January 20 in Paris will she take place? Several unions have called teachers, parents of pupils and high school students to mobilize to claim “strong answers” against “chaos” generated in education by the health crisis and the changing protocols. At three months of the presidential election, they hope to strike even more massive than that of last Thursday, at the moment when the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, is struggling by the case of his holidays in Ibiza .
But, Tuesday night, the organizers announced that their event was “prohibited” by the Paris police prefecture. A measure assimilated by the unions to an “unacceptable” political gesture. “Not content to remain deaf to the anger and the demands of the staff of the national education, the government, through its representative, denies their right to express it by demonstrating in Paris”, castigates the General Confederation of Labor (CGT ).
Reviews on the left. “I have never seen a story of time on an authorization of a demonstration when there is a social movement,” said Wednesday morning on Radio J, the former Minister Delphine Batho, spokesperson for the ecologist candidate The presidential election, Yannick Jadot, recalling that “in democracy there is a freedom to manifest”. MP LFI Mathilde Panot (Val-de-Marne) also accuses in a tweet “The prefect Lallement” of “throwing oil on the fire”.
Gratic remedy
A version denied by the person concerned. The Prefect Didier Lallement “did not prohibit the manifestation” strictly speaking, he said in a statement. Simply, the day of action having been declared off deadline, he could not allow him, “he says. Prior to any event on public roads, the organizers must declare it in prefecture more than three days before the day concerned, according to the code of internal security. “This period makes it possible to organize the protection of the protesters, to examine the course with the organizers, to ask for possible reinforcements,” explain to the police prefecture.
However, the unions missed the check mark. The prefecture says he had received the declaration only on Tuesday at 12:20: “It’s not a short time of a few hours, but of a whole day.” Result, the police prefect “could only see that the legal deadlines were not respected and that he could not deliver the receipt “which is worth authorization. “It’s not about reducing freedom of expression, but the law is the same for all,” adds to the police prefecture. She invites the organizers to “draw the consequences of the law”, that is to say to shift their mobilization of a few days.
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