If the fusion of the parties will not see the day due to its failure by Emmanuel Macron, the formation of Edouard Philippe should, however, reinstate the “common house” of the majority soon.
Le Monde with AFP
This is the end of a chapter, not the common history. As reported by Christophe Béchu, Secretary General of the Party Horizons, launched in October by the former Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe assured, Tuesday, January 18, at the political office of the party, that “the incident” of the abortionary merger With act was “closed”. The participation of horizons at the “common house” of the presidential majority, together citizens!, Is no longer compromised. “If the common house begins to take an interest in the background and in the countryside, we obviously have to find our place,” said the mayor of Angers.
The rapprochement between the two components of the right wing of the majority, yet made possible by the status of the common house, had been prevented by the intervention of Emmanuel Macron on January 15, creating crowns in the camp former prime minister. Horizon executives and Mr. Philippe perceived this maneuver as vexatious and “incomprehensible”, while the party – who supports the head of state for his re-election – can help, according to his executives, the presidential majority to be done on His right, particularly in the face of the candidacy of Valérie Pécresse. The intervention of the head of state in the unfavoring of this merger had led to the suspension of the participation of Horizons at the common house of the majority, as announced by the world Europété Gilles Boyer, near the Mayor of Le Havre .
No legal merge, but a junction “on the ground”
If there is no more official quarrel, the question of the merger is also settled, “said the Secretary-General of Horizons. “There is no more about acting, the merger proposal no longer exists,” confirmed Mr. Béchu. The latter states that there is no interest in “leaflet [tensions] while the three-quarters of the members of action have already joined Horizons”. “The junction on the ground is made,” says the latter, but it will not be legal and statutory.
Tuesday night, the meeting of thirty horizons executives, some of which were at the new headquarters of the party, Avenue d’Iéna, in the 16 e Arrondissement of Paris – which should be Inaugurated by February -, marked the end of the protest. “The link is constant, there is a real desire to work together on the ideas and background of the countryside. So as soon as the opportunity arises, we will end up,” said the member Thomas Mesnier, spokesman of ‘Horizons.
The party of Mr. Philippe – who, three months after his launch, recruited, on Wednesday, his first employee – is being structuring. The weekend of January 15, 124 municipal committees were launched. A hundred others will be on the last weekend of the month and an “Assembly of Mayors”, the president of which will become the number two of the party, should also see the day by mid-February.