Cosmonauts of Roscosmos Anton Sluffers and Peter Dubrov As part of the tasks of the 66th long experiment to the international space station are preparing for the 59th exit to open space on the Russian program (51st planned).
Today, January 18, 2022, in the framework of the final preparation of extracurricular activities, Russian crew members check the equipment and tools necessary to solve the objectives of the exit, conduct an inspection of the “Orlan-MCS” Spacks No. 4 and 5, and also consult with specialists in the main Operational Management Group (Rocket and Space Corporation “Energy” named after S.P. Korolev) and the Center for Flight Management TsNIIMASH (included in the state corporation “Roscosmos”) on the upcoming work in open space.
The main task of exit to open space will be the integration of the node module “Pier” into the Russian segment of the ISS. For this, Anton, the cabinar and Peter Dubrov will have to establish and connect the antennas of the passive system of rapprochement “Course-P” on the outer surface of the new Russian module, reinstall the camera and pave the television cable, mount the target for the docking of the ships and install the handrails for the transition between the science modules and “Pier”.
In the presence of time, the astronauts of Roskosmos are dismantled with the “pier” antenna of the active system of rapprochement “course”. Work in open space is scheduled for January 19, 2022, the Luke of the Small Research Module “Search” is expected to open at 15:00 Moscow time. Planned output duration – 6.5 hours. Live broadcast of all operations will begin on the Roskosmos website and on social networks.
It will be the third way out in the space career of Anton Slipper and the fourth – Peter Dubrov. The upcoming output will be 155th, made by astronauts in domestic skaandras since March 1965.