Scientists declared eight drugs for treatment of Omicron strain

Kent University Scientists and Frankfurt University of Goethe called eight drugs to combat Omicron strain. This is stated in the study published in the Cell Research magazine. The list of approved drugs includes EIDD-1931 (active metabolite Melubiravir), Ribavirin, Remesevir, Favipravir, PF-07321332 (NirmaTelvir, active ingredient Paxdle), Nafamostat, Kostatat and apricin.

Experts analyzed cell cultures and found out that oomicron is sensitive to the most important antiviral drugs and candidate drugs for the treatment of coronavirus infection.

In addition, researchers found out why patients infected with oomikron less often tolerate the disease in severe form.

“This is due to the fact that this strain is especially sensitive to the suppression of the so-called interferon response present in all cells of the body,” researchers believe.

Earlier, the director of the Center, Alexander Ginzburg, spoke about the effectiveness of the new drug from COVID-19 against oomikron based on monoclonal antibodies. He said that the drug was tested on Oomikron and works very well.

/Media reports.