Neurologist stated harmful to brain of Bada

Neurologist-Rehabilitologist, Chief Doctor’s Chief Physician “Clinics of Dr. Anikina”, Candidate of Medical Sciences Marina Anikina in a conversation with Radio Sputnik called harmful to the Bada brain.

A specialist called on to relate to biologically active additives as carefully as to drugs. According to her, in particular, the reception of the bid, which stimulate the work of the brain, can lead to psychotic disorders and sleep disorders.

Bad, the reception of which can be risky, is the ginkgo extract biloba. It is believed that this drug improves blood circulation and slows the aging of the brain. However, according to the doctor, treatment with its help can lead both positive and negative consequences.

“There are many examples when the reception of this Buda was quite safe, but there are examples when adolescents were used before exams, and it caused psychotic disorders from them. This drug caused this drug and the elderly who suffer from dementia” , – said specialist.

Anikina added that most of the additives do not possess and half of those therapeutic properties that they are attributed. Thus, scientists found out that the fatty acid complex Omega-3-6-9 does not prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, she said.

/Media reports.