Unusual behavior of PSR B1859 Pulsary + 07

Chinese astronomers investigated an unusual phenomenon associated with PSR B1859 + 07 pulsar, and also revealed his probable reasons. This is reported in an article published in the reproduction of the preprints of ARXIV.

Pulsars are highly magnetized neutron stars emitting a bundle of electromagnetic radiation. Some pulsars demonstrate variability, ranging from bright short bursts and ending with long-term changes in the radiation profile. In some cases, profiles switches between two or several quasistable modes.

PSR B1859 + 07 has a period of rotation of 0.64 seconds, as well as demonstrates abnormal emission phenomena. Astronomers conducted broadband radiaces of object behavior using FAST telescope at 0.4 and 1.4 gigahertz frequencies. They recorded 124 radiation shift events and confirmed the presence of three radiation modes, including modes B (pulse), q (quiet) and radiation shift mode with quasi-period of 155 pulses.

Researchers suggest that unusual radiation shifts can be the result of the asymmetry of the pulsar radiation beam, changes in the magnetosphere or dynamic effects around the object. However, further conclusions require further monitoring of PSR B1859 + 07.

/Media reports.