Adopted to unanimit Tuesday, the text creates a new offense in the Penal Code punishing these practices of at least two years of imprisonment and 30,000 euros fine.
Le Monde with AFP
The Parliament definitively adopted, Tuesday, January 25, after an ultimate vote of the members, a proposed law the Republic on the market (LRM) which targets the “conversion therapies”, these practices that claim “cure” the lesbian people , gays, bi and trans (LGBT).
Unanimously adopted by the 142 deputies present, the text brought by the member LREM Laurence Vanceunebrock creates a new offense in the Penal Code punishing these two-year imprisonment practices and 30,000 euros fine. The sentences can climb three years imprisonment and 45,000 euros fine in case of aggravating circumstances.
“Plus nobody can claim, under penalty of criminal sanctions, be able to cure LGBT”, rejoiced me me Vanceunebrock on Twitter.
The #PLL forbidding #therapiesDeconversion is definitely adopted! I am proud of my country. No one …
Theoretically, “conversion therapies” were already punishable via a large number of offenses: moral harassment, violence or illegal practice of medicine, etc. Supporters of the bill, however, argue that this new offense will make it possible to raise awareness of the illegality of these practices.
The text has unreserved support from the government that sees, in “conversion therapies”, “the antithesis of our republican values”, as Elisabeth Moreno said, Minister delegated to equality between women and men.
A hundred “recent” cases
“Conversion Therapies” can take the form of exorcism sessions, internships or electroshocks, among a kyrielle of abuse that have sustainable and sustainable physical resounds in victims, often young.
There is no national survey in France to assess the extent of the phenomenon. Parliamentarians mentioned in 2019 a hundred “recent” cases.
Several reports or testimonials have recently been the subject of a strong media resumption, and artists like Eddy of Pretto or Hoshi have urged the policies to fight these practices on the parliamentary agenda.
By adopting this text, the French parliamentarians pack the step of a European movement since countries like Germany, Malta or Spanish regions have already legislated on the subject. Deputies and French senators had reached an agreement on the text. But if at first reading, it had been the subject of a unanimous vote at the National Assembly on October 6, it was not the same in the Senate, dominated by the right.
The vote had, however, largely favorable to the upper house: 305 senators had spoken in favor of the bill, 28 against, all of the Republicans group, of which their leader Bruno Retail. He had subsequently insured to be “obviously against” conversion therapies “which aim to force homosexual persons to change their orientation”. But he had justified his vote by the fact that the text “also evokes gender identity, on behalf of which people ask to change sex”.
As with the proposed gender gender equality proposals, the lengthening of the legal term of IVG or free contraception for women under 25, this vote allows the majority, in This end of legislature, to give a more societal face to its balance sheet. And sending, less than three months of the presidential election, messages to his center-left electorate, considered more receptive to these themes.