“Let’s frankly,” said the presidential candidate about the vaccination obligation, based on the principle that the pass already looks like a lot.
Le Monde
“It seems to be better imposing the vaccine.” The presidential candidate Christiane Taubira, who had been criticized in the fall for his remarks on vaccination, said Monday, January 24 on France 5, prefer The principle of compulsory vaccination for the vaccinal pass set up by the executive from Monday. “In fact, the vaccinal pass, it is a vaccine obligation, supported the former Minister of Justice on Monday in the show” C to you “. I think the President of the Republic could have taken the decision of a vaccine obligation. “
“I have no problem with the vaccinal pass, detailed the candidate. I do not have the advice of the Defense Council, nor a Scientific Council, but, pulling the logic of the decision The President of the Republic, it seems that it is going to better impose the vaccine, so let’s frankly. If it is better to constrain, binding, explaining. “
COVID-19: “Today, the vaccine is the only one and the best solution.”
@Chtaubira details its position on the … https://t.co/jyui0y3olx //p>- cavousf5 (@c to you)
By leaning for the immunization obligation without specifying the contours and the perimeter, M me Taubira approaches the position defended by the Socialist Party, which explicitly defends mandatory vaccination.
On December 18, however, during a visit to Seine-Saint-Denis, Christiane Taubira had felt that the government was “in its role [choosing the vaccination pass and not compulsory vaccination”, adding that vaccination was “the best weapon against the pandemic”.
Polemic in September
In September, his remarks on vaccination had triggered a controversy and had earned him the wrath of the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, who had been “frightened”, even taxing “cowardice”.
Called to explain why she did not call the Guyanese to be vaccinated, she had answered: “I am a political leader who is not in practice and who, therefore, does not have the elements of information which would formally allow it to give instructions, or to consider that in the light of these information elements I consider that I hold a responsible comment. “