In the HBO documentary “Phoenix Rising”, the actress accuses the singer of having sexually assaulted on the filming in 2007 of the “Heart-Shaped Glasses” clip.
Le Monde with AFP
The American actress Evan Rachel Wood has accused the singer Marilyn Manson from having raped her by taking advantage of the shooting of one of her video clips. Evan Rachel Wood, known for his roles in the Westworld series or in the film Thirtteen, formulates his accusations in the documentary HBO Phoenix Rising, presented at the Sundance Film Festival.
In this production, which shows the struggle to increase the limitation period in case of sexual crimes to allow victims to obtain justice, the actress returns to the filming, in 2007, of the HEART-Shaped Glasses clip , one of the tubes of Marilyn Manson, then his companion.
“We talked about a simulated sex scene. But when the cameras turned, he started to penetrate me really,” says the young woman. “I had never gave my agreement for that,” she insists. Actress since childhood, she explains that she “did not know how to say no,” because she had “been conditioned and trained to never answer, to go after the cost”.
Evan Rachel Wood started attending Marilyn Manson – his real name Brian Warner – in 2006, at the age of 18. The singer had at the time 37. “I was forced to a commercial sexual act under a misleading pretext. (…) I was raped in front of a camera”, she testifies. During the aggression, “I can say that the team was very embarrassed and that no one knew what to do,” adds the actress.
Marylin Manson accused by other women
According to the documentary, Marilyn Manson then lobbied the young woman to assure the journalists that there was no real sex scene during filming. The singer representatives have not reacted for the moment.
Los Angeles Police confirmed last year that he opened an investigation into charges of violence in the context of the couple against the singer, on the facts committed between 2009 and 2011. Moreover, several women, like the Actress Esmed Bianco (who played in Game of Thrones), accused Marilyn Manson of rape and other aggressions, which he denies.
Today 53 years old, Marilyn Manson has created a public character in the disturbing image, of gothic inspiration, makeup, carrying two different lenses, with jet hair. His very name is inspired by the actress Marilyn Monroe and the Blood Guru Charles Manson, who caused the murder of Actress Sharon Tate.
His loma Vista Recordings recordings and his CAA artistic agency bunded their relationship with the singer following the accusations against him. However, he continues to record securities and figure in particular on the album Donda released last year by Kanye West.