On the C8 chain, Thursday, January 27, the candidate of France’s rebellious for president had said not to like “this violent police who does what she wants when she wants.”
Le Monde with AFP
Gerald Darmanin did not appreciate the words of Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the National Police, ruled on C8, Thursday, January 27. The Interior Minister denounced Friday on Twitter for “hateful and systematic attacks”.
hateful and systematic attacks against @JLMelenchon women and men of the people are polite … https://t.co/OLcuf2hEL6
In the show “Face to Baba,” presented by Cyril Hanouna, the candidate of the rebellious France (BIA) at the Elysee Palace said not to like “this violent police, the police who éborgné thirty and two persons without a single guilty, the police killed a woman who was on the fourth floor in Marseille, this policy does what she wants when she wants. “
Mr. Mélenchon was referring to protesters éborgnés during mobilizations “yellow jackets”, as identified by David Dufresne whistleblower, and Zineb Redouane, an octogenarian died in Marseille on 2 December 2018, after being shot at her window shot of tear gas. He also denounced “a corporation that is self”, denouncing a “IGPN [General Inspectorate of the National Police] composed of police officers.”
“You will obey”
In his safety program Mélenchon plans to:
- remove anti-crime brigades
- reintroduce community policing;
- ban tasers, grenades désencerclement, defense bullet launchers;
- create a truth commission on justice and police violence;
- Delete IGPN and his counterpart of the gendarmerie (the General Inspectorate of the National Gendarmerie) in favor of an independent authority attached to the Defender of Rights.
In the program aired Thursday he spoke to Yannick Landurain, police in anti-crime Brigade (BAC) of Seine-Saint-Denis and steward of GSP Unit working Police Force (FO). “This is what you will do if elected because you will obey,” said he threw. “Those of you who covered themselves with shame and ridiculed the police by personal, racist or others will be expelled from the national police,” he thundered.
“Your caricature, nobody believes,” said the trade unionist after a heated exchange, earning the support on Twitter, Grégory Joron, Secretary General of Police Unit SGP-FO:
Thanks to our colleague Yannick, police in the 93 @UNITESGPPOLICE delegate for defending the @PoliceNationale fa … https://t.co/UUeKlld0um
Asked Friday morning on BFM-TV and RMC number two BIA Adrien Quatennens, considered it necessary “to say things: we have a problem with the police as it operates today” and there are “elements” that “are not what could be called Republicans” <. p>