Strike of January 27th: a day of events to demand increase in wages

The first demand of trade unions is an increase in the SMIC and the remuneration of civil servants. Inflation reached 2.8% in December and the rise should continue in 2022.

Le Monde with AFP

Increase in the price of fuels and energy, deply from the price of many raw materials: inflation has reached a record level in 2021, and the flight should continue in 2022. A few weeks of the election. Presidential, the purchasing power has become a major concern for the French who will scroll in several cities, Thursday, January 27, to claim wage increases.

Some 170 rallies and parades are provided for the call of CGT, FO, FSU and solidarity unions. The last day of mobilization, on 5 October brought together 85,400 people according to the Ministry of the Interior, and more than 160,000 according to the CGT.

Strikes in transport and education

In Paris, the protesters will meet at midday place of the Bastille for a “meeting concert”, during which the trade union leaders will speak, before starting around 14 hours towards Bercy. Among the protesters, should include employees mobilized in recent weeks, including industry, agri-food, trade, public service sectors. High school students should be placed on the nation at 11 o’clock.

Teachers, already on the street on January 13 and 20 to protest the management of the CVIV-19 health crisis at school, will be “nearly 20%” to be on strike in the first degree, according to The SNUIPP-FSU union, which represents the teachers of the nursery and elementary schools.

On the public transport, the circulation of regional trains will be slightly disturbed, according to the SNCF. In Ile-de-France, a three train will roll on the line of the North RER. On the RER A, C, D and the transilat line H, the offer will be three out of four trains.

“Forte inflation”

Trade unions deplore that there was no help at the SMIC during the five-year, beyond automatic increases, and no more raising the index point. They require an increase in the SMIC and the index point of the officials, and more generally all wages, allowances and pensions of retirement, in a context of high inflation (+ 2.8% year-over-one in December) and dividends Records.

“Let’s stop saying that the salary is the enemy of employment”, especially since the context is that of “strong inflation”, said Wednesday the Secretary General of Force Lover, Yves Veyrier. The number one of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, also hammers the need to upgrade the wages, especially those of the so-called “second line” workers. But the first French union will not join forces at the intersyndictal Thursday. “This is the multiplication of concrete and targeted initiatives that will result. Not the big interprofessional event. The tote does not work,” he argues.

The organizers of the mobilization of Thursday have already made an appointment Friday morning for a meeting designed to decide the suites of the movement.

/Media reports.