Estonian President accused Russia in desire to return in 1997

Estonian President Alar Caris called the political attack of Russia’s proposals to NATO for security guarantees, including the conclusion of alliance forces from Bulgaria and Romania. This is reported on the site of the president.

According to him, Moscow wants to turn the story to reverse, in 1997. Caris stressed that such a return of history during times while NATO has not expanded to the East – unthinkable and will not happen, because the alliance will not make such a decision. He also noted that this kind of attacks will resist in NATO.

Earlier, the official representative of NATO OAN LUNCESCU called the unacceptable requirement of Russia on the withdrawal of alliance troops from Bulgaria and Romania. According to her, the requirements of Moscow “will share NATO members at the first and second grade.” Alliance does not go for such a step, she said.

On January 21, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russian proposals on security guarantees imply the derivation of NATO forces from Bulgaria and Romania. The head of Russian diplomacy clarified that this is necessary as part of the implementation of the item on the return of the Alliance to the 1997 borders. “We are talking about the conclusion of foreign forces, technicians and weapons and other steps to return to the configuration as of 1997 on the territory of countries that were not members of NATO on the specified date. These include Bulgaria and Romania,” he told.

/Media reports.