Zymarbayev’s son-in-law noticed at a meeting with Tokayev

The son-in-law of the first president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayeva noticed at the meeting of the current head of the Republic of Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev with businessmen. This is January 21 reports Telegram-channel “Sputnik Kazakhstan”.

This is about Timur Kulibayev, the Middle Middle Daughter of Ex-President Dinar. Previously, he resigned from the post of the head of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Atameken, but remained president of the National Olympic Committee. Two other son-in-law Nazarbayev were dismissed from KazTransGas and KazTransOil companies.

In early January, mass protests broke out in Kazakhstan because of the increase in gas engine fuel prices. Socio-economic requirements were soon replaced by political, including about leaving Nazarbayev’s policies, and rallies turned into unrest. In several regions, the buildings of the authorities were captured and adjusted. For the suppression of protests threw the army. According to official data, 227 people died.

In the height of the disarray of Tokaev, Nazarbayev was shifted from the post of head of the Security Council of Kazakhstan and himself took this position. Nazarbayev did not appear in public during the protests, his location was unknown. The media reported that there is a struggle for Kazakhstan assets between him and Tokayev.

The first public statement Nazarbayev did only on January 18. He said that rumors about his conflict with Tokayev are absolutely groundless, and acted as supported by the current president. Nazarbayev called himself a pensioner, which is on a well-deserved holiday.

/Media reports.