Cancer symptoms revealed at an early stage increase the chances of recovery, writes Express with reference to British doctors.
Scientists called cough one of the obvious signs of the disease. It is necessary to go to the doctor if it does not take place for two or three weeks. The cough type may vary, in some it is accompanied by wheezing or rattle.
returned infections of the chest should be alert. A person may feel pain in breathing or cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, or lack of energy, loss of appetite, have a cough with blood or quickly lose weight.
Specialists described the unexpected symptom of lung cancer: changes in the appearance of the fingers. They become more curved, or their ends increase. When oncology is difficult swallowing. Cancer may be accompanied by a hoarse voice, pain in the chest and shoulders, swelling of the face and neck.
The highest risk of developing cancer in smokers. Doctors clarified that smoking 25 cigarettes per day increases the risk of developing lung cancer by 25 times. On non-smoking people accounted for from 10 to 25 percent of lung cancer.