British neurologist Mohane Serars called a number of signs when headache occurs, testifying that a person needs to urgently ask for help to a doctor, reports “Medic Forum”.
One of the key causes of prolonged pain can be a patient’s lifestyle. Same work, night activity, coffee abuse, muscle pressure when working at a computer – all this is potential harbingers of headaches. In addition, it may arise as a result of stress or sleep disorders, as well as in people who have problems with mental health.
There are five major signs requiring an urgent visit to the specialist: when the headache occurs a fuzziness or split in the eyes, vomiting appears with the pain, the head voltage interferes with sleep, the neck rigidity and high temperature are observed with pain, and finally, if painful sensations Strengthen, and the anesthetic does not bring due effect. Any of these manifestations indicates the presence of serious internal pathologies that can threaten life.
Earlier, a cardiologist of the highest category Sergey Ivanov said that people could not walk with high pressure for a long time, as it threatens with dangerous health consequences. Ivanov said that due to hypertension, the inner liner of the vessels is damaged, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis, the formation of plaques.