Astronomers of the University of Arizona identified a mysterious source, where the galaxy is accumulated by a substance that is spent on star formation. This is reported in the article published in The Astrophysical Journal.
Scientists have revealed that the galaxies are surrounded by weakly noticeable fuel tanks, which falls into the galaxies and allows new stars and planetary systems to form. This explains why some galaxies are capable of producing more stars than allow their own reserves of star-forming gas.
Specialists used a statistical method known as mutual correlation and used to detect communication between two values. They analyzed the data from the Alfalfa review from the Arecibo and Review Telescope “Intergalactic Wednesday with a Small Red Displacement” and were able to determine how rich galaxies were associated with clouds visible in the intergalactic medium.
According to the conclusions of researchers, galaxies, similar to the Milky Way, will continue to grow and form new planetary systems as the new material is received. This result shows that the stars will continue to form in the distant future, and most likely the pace of star formation in calm galaxies will not decline for long.