Lot: Valérie Pécresse decides in favor of inclusion of children with disabilities

The Republicans’ candidate went on Wednesday in the department to mark his difference with the far-right candidate and try to demonstrate his filiation with Jacques Chirac.


The wink is obvious. It is with a notebook with the colorized effigy of Jacques Chirac that Valérie Pécresse traveled the department of Lot, Wednesday, January 19, for a displacement on the theme of rurality and disability.

It must be said that this notebook has a story, that Valérie Pécresse is not prayed to tell, facing several dozen mayors in the region. He was offered last summer by elected officials in Brive-la-Gaillarde, in Corrèze, the department of adoption of his mentor, Jacques Chirac. “They told me that Chirac had a notebook when he went to meet the French and that I had to have one too,” she relates, amused, in front of the ediles acquired at his cause in An annexed room at Simone-Veil elementary school, with heart-of-Causse. The theorist of the “Social Fracture” in 1995 had managed to seduce the left and right wings of the RPR to climb to the Elysee.

A furrow in which M me pecresse would be well registered. After marking the spirits on the return of the Kärcher, to the point of reacting the German brand, and the intervention of the army in the most difficult districts, it has radically changed their registry in the fog of the Winter Loto.

And for good reason, after visiting a vocational training center and a market hall in Cahors, where she asked a butcher if he was selling calf head (the favorite dish of Jacques Chirac), M me Pécresse spoke with several accompanying students with disabilities (AESH), with heart-de-Causse.

“Maybe a second teacher per class”

A “long-standing” appointment, according to the Republican candidate team (LR). But the speakers were not warned only Friday, according to one of the educational officials. On the same day, Eric Zemmour, the right-wing candidate of the Party reconquest!, Provoked a vast controversy by pronouncing the inclusion of students with disabilities in schools.

An opportunity for Valérie Pécresse to mark his difference with the old CNEWS chronicler. “Of course, the issue of integration in schools does not arise, it slops without pronouncing the name of its competitor at the round table against a dozen AESHs and parents of students concerned. We wonder about the best welcome for these students, with perhaps a second teacher by class, “she suggests.

No question of seeing a kind “from at the same time” Valerie Version Pécresse, for Aurélien Pradié, the member LR of the lot, the maneuver for this trip. “So far, it was not the moment of the social right,” he explains. Today, we come to see them by telling them about the injuries of everyday life. Authority is not only On the treat. It is a new face of what the right is “, considers the one who has also drafted a bill, rejected, on the inclusion of children in school disability in October 2018. For He, “we would not see Marine Le Pen or Eric Zemmour coming here talk of disability. And Emmanuel Macron would pass a dirty quarter of an hour”.

M me Pécresse listened for almost an hour the difficulties of these personal suffering. One of them tells for example to buy the ignition helmets itself for a pupil with hyperacusia, a disorder that increases the sounds, or the antistress balls to calm his students, agitated by their disability.

“The school does not provide them?”, requests the candidate. “No, we spend our time overcoming a lack,” answers another accompanying. Céline, she testifies that she works twenty-seven hours a week to care for five students with different disorders on three distinct levels. All, for 800 euros per month.

The testimonials fuse and the time press. At the end of the time limit, the fingers continue to rise to speak and testify the hazards of the profession. “There is a real need to externalize there,” says the president of the Ile-de-France region, before continuing to blacken his “notebook Jacques Chirac”. From his left hand.

/Media reports.