Court in Moscow did not give Minsk by the Belarusian Anarchist Andrei Kazimirov, whom the homeland is accused of participating in mass riots, and freed him from the SIZO. This was announced by the “New Gazeta” lawyer Men Illarion Vasilyev.
According to him, this happened after the Belarusian has expired the deadline for detention – 12 months. The prosecutor’s office insisted on a new extension for a 22-year-old anarchist – the prohibition of certain actions, but the court refused. He also did not extradite a man in Belorussia, despite the decision of the General Prosecutor’s Office, due to the ban from the ECHR.
Andrei Kazimirov was detained in Moscow on January 14, 2021 at the request of the Belarusian authorities. At home, a criminal case was opened against him on participation in the “mass riots”, but they were released on a subscription of the unseen. He did not recognize his guilt and declared the peaceful nature of the shares.
Earlier it became known that, despite the prohibition of the ECHR, Russia issued Belarus of a 25-year-old employee of the criminal case on “causing moral damage to the security forces” Dmitry Pribrabnikov.