Yvelines: obligation of port of outdoor mask suspended by justice

Seized by individuals, the Administrative Tribunal of Versailles considered that the measure was “an excessive, disproportionate and unrespurible infringement (…) to the individual freedom”.

Le Monde

A first on the national territory. The Administrative Court of Versailles suspended, Wednesday, January 12, the prefectural decree making it mandatory the port of the outdoor mask in the department of Yvelines.

Seized by individuals, the judge of the referrals considered that this “obligation could be imposed only if the local epidemiological situation warrants it and that the port of the mask is limited to the places and hours of high traffic” , according to a press release published at the end of the day. It thus considered that the measure was “an excessive, disproportionate and unrespurred attack (…) to individual freedom”.

Risk of “lower outdoor” contamination “

If the risk of contamination is “lower outdoors”, however, the magistrate has agreed that he was not “excluded (…) when there is a high concentration of people” and that the prefect could ” Dealibrate portions of port of the outdoor mask “in case of high density.

The prefecture of Yvelines replied “take note of the decision of the Administrative Tribunal of Versailles” and “study it to adapt the obligation of the wearing of the outdoor mask”, in particular in terms of zones and schedules. A new decree should therefore be written soon.

/Media reports.