formed Release of the specialized distribution tails 4.26 (The Amnesic Incognito Live System), based on the Debian batch database and intended to provide anonymous access to the network. Anonymous output to TAILS is provided by the TOR system. All connections, in addition to traffic via the TOR network, are blocked by a packet filter by default. Encryption is used to store user data in the user data saving mode between starts. To download, ISO image , capable of working in Live mode, size 1.1 GB.
in new release Version Tor Browser 11.0.4 and Added a shortcut to open the Connection Setup Wizard (Tor Connection Assistant) if the TOR network has not been installed when TOR Browser starts.

At the same time released New version of the Tor Browser 11.0.4 browser, oriented to ensuring anonymity, Security and privacy. The release is synchronized with the code base Firefox 91.5.0 ESR , in which Stranes 24 vulnerabilities. Updated version Noscript 11.2.14 . For Linux users, the fonts NOTO SANS Gurmukhi and Sinhala are returned after solving problems with their display.