Chinese scientists revealed theory of origin of Omicron strain

Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences stated that the Omicron-strain of Coronavirus could occur not from a person, as it was assumed earlier, but from mice. The study was published in the Journal of Genetics and Genomics scientific journal.

According to researchers, initially rodents were infected with coronavirus infection from people. It is noted that during the year, in the body of animals, the virus began to mutate, which led to the emergence of a new version of COVID-19, which people have already become infected.

In November, the head of the technical group of emergency diseases of the World Health Organization (WHO) Maria Wang Kerkhov said that, according to one of the hypotheses available in scientists, the Omicron-strain of Coronavirus could be born in the body of an infected COVID-19 patient with a weakened immunity, not I managed to fully cure.

/Media reports.