Presented Distribution Release Linux Mint 20.3 continuing Development of the branch based on the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS batch base. The distribution is fully compatible with Ubuntu, but is significantly different to the approach to the organization of the user interface and the selection of applications used by default. The Linux Mint developers provide a desktop environment corresponding to the classic desktop organization canons, which is more familiar to users who do not accept new GNOME interface methods 3. DVD assemblies are available on the basis of Mate 1.26 shells (2.1 GB ), CINNAMON 5.2 (2.1 GB ) and xfce 4.16 ( 2 GB ). Provided The ability to update with Linux Mint 20, 20.1 and 20.2 to version 20.3. Linux Mint 20 is assigned to releases with a long term support (LTS), updates for which will be formed up to 2025.

Main changes in Linux Mint 20.2 ( mate , Cinnamon , xfce ):
- The composition includes a new release of the desk-environment CINNAMON 5.2, the design and organization of work in which the development of the GNOME 2 ideas – the user is offered a work desk and a panel with a menu, a quick launch area, a list of open windows and a system tray with launched applets. Cinnamon is based on GTK and GNOME 3 technologies 3. The project develops the GNOME Shell shell and the MUTER window manager in the direction of granting the GNOME 2 style with a more modern design and the involvement of elements from GNOME Shell, complementing the classic desktop. Editions with XFCE and MATE desktops are supplied with XFCE 4.16 and Mate 1.26.
CINNAMON 5.2 offers a new applet with a scheduler calendar that supports simultaneous work with multiple calendars and synchronization with external calendars using Evolution-Data-Server (for example, with GNOME Calendar, Thunderbird and Google Calendar).