Despite the criticism, the Minister of Education has maintained the protocol in place since Monday, bringing an accuracy of case management “pearl.” More than 9200 classes were closed Thursday.
Four days after September, while the situation is described as “chaotic” in some schools, the education minister, Jean-Michel Blanquer, maintained his line, at a meeting organized Inter Thursday, 6 January: avoid closures of classes based on the massive use of tracing contacts of cases and testing
The new health protocol, announced on the eve of the season, is not revised but accuracy was made Thursday night on case management “beaded” which lightens the testing procedure. When a student is case contact, it must carry out a PCR or antigenic test D + 0, then two self-tests on D + 2 and D + 4. Screening cycle restarts after a period of seven days if a second case is confirmed. While all students must be tested again at T + 0, T + 2, T + 4. Furthermore, if an unvaccinated student over 12 years is case contact within his family, he remains isolated seven days.
Facing the minister, representatives of the teachers had warned of the complexity of the protocol and on the depletion of personnel that results. “This protocol is untenable face such epidemic wave, denounces Stéphane Hook, general secretary of the SE-UNSA. We asked for more testing at school, it’s true, but it was in a different situation.” The parents, for their part, did not hide their exasperation this week with queues that stretch before the screening tents and pharmacies and self tests sometimes out of stock.
“One of our concerns is the ability of laboratories and pharmacies to cope with such a demand, explains Jean-Rémi Girard, the SNALC. This point has not been adequately anticipated given the contagiousness of variant. “In an interview posted Thursday on the Sunday Journal , president of the pharmaceutical union Federation of France, Philippe Besset warned about “embolism” tracing system contacts of cases in pharmacy, seeking review of this school protocol.
“on the ground, it does not pass”
Before the union, Jean-Michel Blanquer assumed its strategy, while acknowledging the “strong commitment” of staff to “run” the system. “We spent the ointment, while being very optimistic about the wave Omicron reports Guislaine David, the SNUipp-FSU. He asked us to keep saying that everything was going to stop soon because we soon reached the peak . But on the ground, it will pass over. “
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