The President of the Luxembourg Palace said, Friday, that debates take place on identity checks, the scheduled end of the vaccinal pass and teleworking.
Le Monde
The Senate intends to make its contribution to the bill introducing the vaccinal pass, warned its president, Gérard Larcher, Friday, January 7th. “I want the Senate to vote this amended text”, announces Mr. Larcher in an interview at Figaro by evoking the need for a clause providing for the end of the device, a debate on identity checks and the estimation of posts requiring a switch to teleworking.
After more than three days of tense debates, punctuated with suspensions at the National Assembly, the text review of the text strengthening the management tools of the health crisis was postponed to next week, compromising an entry into force of the law as of January 15th. The bill will be examined in committee Monday, January 10 in the afternoon and its examination in the hemicycle, which should have started Thursday, is now planned from Tuesday 11, in the afternoon and until Wednesday night.
A delay due to “presidential majority failures at the National Assembly”, believes Gérard Larcher in Figaro. “The Senate takes control of the calendar,” said the leadership of the Senators the Republicans, Bruno Retaileau, on the last day of debates between deputies, considering necessary, in “a hysterized climate”, to “ask the game”.
Probable joint joint commission
According to the President of the Senate, the two rapporteurs the Republicans of the text at the Palace of Luxembourg, Philippe Low (Vendée) and Chantal Deseyne (Eure-et-Loir), provide for debates on a text different from that adopted by the National Assembly on several points. While the end of the obligation of a vaccinal pass coincides for the moment with the end of the state of health (on July 31), senators could consider “that the vaccinal pass falls automatically when a number Conditions will be met, for example on the level of hospitalizations or the circulation of the virus “, detailed Gérard Larcher.
As at the National Assembly, “the question of identity control will be debated,” says Larcher. The text provides, in all places where the pass would be established, that the managers and organizers – not only the law enforcement – can verify the identity of the passholder, to fight against false, what Many deputies have challenged during the first debates. Finally, “give the inspection of the work the appreciation of a” teletravailable “job is inappropriate”, esteem Gérard Larcher in Figaro.
Once the text is adopted by the Senate, with amendments, it will still be necessary that MPs and senators find an agreement on a common version, in the Joint Joint Committee (CMP), and then that this version is voted one last time by the two rooms. In case of failure of the CMP, the deadline would still be elongated: the bill would be the subject of a new reading in both Houses, before the Assembly has the last word.